Referral Guide
We have a team of experienced psychiatrists who are committed to delivering top-notch mental health care throughout Australia via telehealth. We have carefully selected our psychiatry team in order to provide a wide range of services and expertise. Driven by our commitment to offer the greatest treatments and care, we deliver online psychiatry services right to your patients front door.
Referral process
As soon as we receive your referral, our psychiatry team aim to process it within 7 days. If there are any questions or concerns, our team will be in touch.
Step 2 – BOOKING
Once the referral is approved by our doctor, our psychiatry team then contact the patient to discuss the fees and Medicare rebates where applicable and to organise an appointment. Your patient can see their psychiatrist either from their own home or at your GP practice if preferred. Please note, we currently have no wait list for psychiatry services
We understand the importance of providing timely feedback regarding patient treatment and medication advice. Once your patient has been reviewed by one of our doctors, they will write a detailed letter to you.
Where to send referrals?
If you wish to refer a patient to us for psychiatry services, please send us a referral letter. Please ensure that your referral letter includes the reason for referral, patient contact details and is signed. Any other relevant history that you can forward is always appreciated by our team.
Referrals can be sent to us at:
Click here to fill out the Referral Form:
Fax:(07) 3319 6925